Starting a career in IT: expert advice for beginners
K2 College team members have been helping launch tech careers for over ten years. We’ve witnessed so many success stories and extreme career shifts that one book wouldn’t be enough to list them all. So, we decided to start sharing the lessons learned with you all—both as part of our K2 College program curricula and a series of articles where we look at the key takeaways for tech newbies. You’re likely reading this article because you’re feeling a pull towards a tech career, so we hope the following tips will inspire you to move forward.
Understand which IT area matches your personality
Web development, AI, cybersecurity, cloud technologies, blockchain, AML technology, quantum computing—the list could go on and on. Before you choose your area of expertise, you’ll have to take a good look at each of them and determine what suits you the best. It can get confusing. This is why K2 College consultants spend personal time with each of our students-to-be and help them choose the right program by asking questions that reveal their aspirations.
Build a strong foundation
Once you have identified your area of interest, the fun part begins. You will need theoretical and practical skills to lift your career. Start by choosing reliable resources and committing to spending a block of time to learn daily. We are biased, but K2 College programs are an ideal way to begin—you will join online courses with peers (speaking of accountability!) that will take place in real time, yet the lectures will always be at your fingertips. Even after you’ve graduated. See our top tech programs here.
Work on your portfolio
Your future employers will be very interested in your knowledge and experience, so it’s wise to start putting together your portfolio from the early days of your learning. At K2 College, we will help you do that by giving you practical assignments. You can also take on volunteering tasks and small freelance projects to have more material for your portfolio. Make sure to let employers know about your certifications, too. After graduating from K2 College, you will receive an internationally recognized certificate to aid you in your job search.
Focus on soft skills
An area which is often overlooked by the IT students and graduates is soft skills. However, our talks with top employers reveal that they prioritize candidates who display strong problem-solving, communication, and teamwork skills. Those personal qualities and the ability to communicate difficult subjects in simple terms are the driving force behind building complex things. Moreover, people with well-developed teamwork competencies tend to be preferred for leadership roles. This is the reason why each program at K2 College includes a mandatory soft skills module.
Train for job search
No matter your experience and skill levels, you will have to learn to effectively communicate them to the recruiters and future managers. It all boils down to a tailored CV and your performance during the job interviews and test tasks. There are many tips and tricks that can remove stress from the job search process. The K2 College Career Center team will share them with you and help you train for the job interview. Job search is also easier when you have a network you can rely on and people who can pitch a good word for you, so make sure you participate in the tech community of your city, country, or globally.
Easier said than done. If you have the motivation to climb your way to your dream career, we invite you to explore learning opportunities at K2 College. Our programs are based on proven learning methods and are accessible through different financing models.